
Jun 20, 2011

How to create instances of JBOSS?

1.    Make copy of default folder from following directory (Note:use a fresh j-boss to copy the default folder not the j-boss of an already deployed instance ).
2.    Name the folder and place it in the same directory where default folder is present.
3.    Go into conf folder which is present in newly created folder in #2.
4.    Edit jboss-service.xml file.
5.    Uncomment following section, if it is commented and change the “ServerName” from port-01 to port-02 or port-03 (These server name should be present in "${jboss.home.url}/docs/examples/binding-manager/sample-bindings.xml file.You can search these content into the sample-bindings.xml file).By default ServerName is ports-01.If it is first instance then keep as it is.If is second instance change it to ports-02.Follow the same step for next instances you want to create.


6.    Open sample-bindings.xml file from \docs\examples\binding-manager folder.
7.    Find ports-01 or   (Which is changed in step#5) in sample-bindings.xml file.
8.    Find the 8180 if your server name is ports-01 and replace it with your new port on which you want to run your new instance.You should do replace all instead of replace.If it is second instance or ServerName is ports-02 then find 8280 and replace it with your new port on which you want to run your new instance and 8380 for ports-3 etc..
9.    Save the file.
10.  Also make changes in the properties file of the application (such as .server name etc)
11.  Open command prompt.
12.  Go to bin directory of JBoss server. \bin
13.  Type run  –c