Jan 24, 2010
Design & Analysis of Algorithms
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410441 Design And Analysis of Algorithms
Teaching Scheme: Examination Scheme:
Theory:4 HourslWeek Theory:100 Marks
Objectives :
. To study and perform analysis of algorithms.
. To study techniques/strategies in design of algorithms
Big O, theta and omega asymptotic notations, Average, Best and Worst case analysis of algorithms for Time and Space complexity, Amortized Analysis, Solving Recurrence Equations, Proof Techniques: by Contradiction, by Mathematical Induction.
Priority Queues: Heaps & Heap sort.
8 Hours
Divide And Conquer And Greedy Strategy:
Divide and Conquer: General Strategy, Exponentiation. Binary Search, Quick Sort and Merge Sort. Greedy Method ,General Strategy, Knapsack problem, Job sequencing with Deadlines, Optimal merge patterns, Minimal Spanning Trees and Dijkstra's algorithm.
9 Hours
Dynamic Programming:
General Strategy, Multistage graphs, OBST, Oil Knapsack, Traveling Salesperson Problem, Flow
Shop Scheduling. 7 Hours
Backtracking & Branch And Bound:
Backtracking: General Strategy, 8 Queen's problem, Graph Coloring, Hamiltonian Cycles, 0/1 Knapsack.
Branch and Bound: General Strategy, 0/1 Knapsack, Traveling Salesperson Problem.
8 Hours
Parallel Algorithms:
Computational Model, Basic Techniques and Algorithms (Complete Binary Tree, Pointer Doubling, Prefix Computation), Selection, Merging, Sorting Networks, Parallel Sorting, Graph Problems (Alternate Algorithm for Transitive Closure, All pairs shortest path) 8 Hours
NP-Hard And NP-Complete Problems:
Algorithms, Complexity-intractability, Non-Deterministic Polynom:al time (NP) Decision
problems, Cooks Theorem.
NP-Complete problems- Statisfiability problem, vertex cover problem.
NP-Hard problems-graph, scheduling, code generation problems, Simplified NP Hard Problems. 6 Hours
Text Books:
I. Bressard, "Fundamental of Algorithm." , PHI
2. Horowitz and Sahani, "Fundamentals of computer Algorithms", Galgotia.
I. Thomas H Connen and Charles E.L Leiserson, "Introduction to Algorithm" PHI
2. A. V. Aho and J.D. Ullman, "Design and Analysis of Algorithms", Addison Wesley
Operating Systems
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410442 Operating Systems
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 3 HrslWeek Theory: 100 Marks
. To study advanced concepts of operating systems.
. To study the comparison of different function of different OSs.
Process synchronization and inter-process communication:
Background, Critical section problem, semaphores, classic problems of
synchronizations, critical
synchronizations, critical
regions, monitors, OS synchronization 4 Hrs
Deadlocks: System model, deadlock characterization, methods for handling deadlocks, deadlocks detection, prevention, avoidance, recovery
Protection: Goals of protection, domain of protection, Access matrix, Implementation of Access matrix, Revocation of a(:cess rights
Security: Security problem, User authentication, program threats, system threats, securing system
and facilities, Intrusion detection and cryptography 6 Hrs
System Architecture, User perspective, Operating System Services, Assumptions about hardware, Architecture of UNIX OS, Introduction to System Concepts, Kernel Data Structures, System Administration, Buffer Headers, Structure of the Buffer Pool, Scenarios for retrieval of a Buffer, Reading and Writing Disk Blocks, Advantages and Disadvantages of the Buffer Cache
8 Hrs
Internal Representation of files: Inodes, Structure of a regular file, Directories, Conversion of a path name to an Inode, Super Block, Inode assignment to a new file, Allocation of Disk Blocks, Other file types,
System Calls for the file system: open, read, write, file & Record Locking, lseek, Close, File Creation, Creation of Special Files, Change Directory and Change Root, Change Owner and Change Mode, stat and fstat, pipes, dup, mounting and unmounting file systems, link, unlink, file system abstrations, file system maintenance 8 Hrs
Structures of processes: Process States and Transitions, Layout of System Memory, The Context of a process, Saving the context of a process, Manipulation of the process address space, Sleep,
Process control: Process Creation, Signals, Process Termination, Awaiting Process Termination, Invoking other programs, The User ID of a process, Changing the size of a process, The shell, System boot and the init process,
Process Scheduling and Time: Process Scheduiing, System calls for time & clock
8 Hrs
Memory Management Policies: Swapping, Demand Paging, a hybrid system with swapping and demand paging
I/O Subsystem: Driver interfaces, Disk drivers, Terminal drivers, Streams 4 Hrs
Text Books:
1. William Stallings, "Operating System-Intemals and Design Principles ", 5/c, Prentice
Hall India, ISBN-81-297-0 1 094-3
2. Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagnes , "Operating System Concepts" 6/e , John Wiley & Sons,
Reference Books:
I. Dhamdhre D. M.,"Operating Systems - A Concept-Based Approach", Tata McGraw Hill
Publications, 2nd
2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, " Modem Operating Systems", 2/e, Prentice Hall India, ISBN
81-203-2063-8 .
3. Maurice J. Bach, "The design of the UNIX Operating System", Prentice Hall India,
ISBN-81-203-0516- 7
Object Oriented Modeling & Design
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Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 3 Hours /Week Theory: 100 Marks
Practical: 2 Hours/Week Term Work:25 Marks
Oral: 50 Marks
Objectives :
. Introduction to Modeling and Design of software, firmware and business proc_sses. . Introduce UML 2.0 and its diagrams as a modeling tool for large and comple£ systems. . Understand the concepts being modeled in UML
Introduction to OMG Standards: MDA, MOF, XMI,CORBA , UML 2.0. UML History, UML 2.0 New Features.
Rational Unified Process emphasizing Inception, Elaboration, Construction, Transition Phases. 4+ 1 View architecture, Architectural approaches: Use case Centric, Architecture driven, Iterative approach, 00 Concepts Review.
UNIT ll:
Introduction to UML. UML MetaModel. Extensibility mechanisms like stereotypes, tagged values, constraints and profiles. OCLOverview of all diagrams in UML 2.0.
Object diagrams, CRCmethod, Review of 00 concepts.Class diagrams, Classes and Relationships, Interfaces and ports, Templates, Active Objects, Advanced relationships generalization, association, aggregation, dependencies. Composite structure diagrams including composite structures, collaborations.
Interaction diagrams. Interaction Overview diagrams including interactions, signals, exceptions, regions, partitions, Sequence diagrams, Communication diagrams.
State Machine diagrams, States, encapsulation of states, transitions, submachine, state generalization. Timing diagrams, Activity diagrams, Activities, sub activities, signals, exceptions, partitions, regions.
Support for modeling Architecture in UML. Package diagrams, Component diagrams, Deployment diagrams. Applications of UML in embedded systems, Web applications, commercial applications.
AI! diagrams are to be assumed for UML 2.0 for each diagram the need, purpose, Concepts, Notation, Forward Engineering, Reverse Engineering & Application must be considered.
Text Books.
1. Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson "Unified Modeling Language User Guide", The (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series) (Hardcover)
Reference Books :
I. Joseph Schmuller "SAMS Teach yourselfUML in 24 Hours", Third edition.
2. Martin Fowler, "UML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Standard Object Modeling
Language", Third Edition (Paperback) ,Addision Wesley
3. Dan Pi lone, Neil Pitman "UML 2.0 in a Nutshell", (In a Nutshell (O'Reilly» Paperback)
4. Hans-Erik Eriksson, Magnus Penker, Brian Lyons, David Fado "UML 2 Toolkit
(Paperback) "
5. Jim Arlow, Ila Neustadt "UML 2 and the Unified Process: Practical Object-Oriented
Analysis and Design" (2nd Edition) (Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)
6. Michael Jesse, James A. Schardt "UML 2.0 for dummies"
7. Kendal Scott, Apress "Fast track UML 2.0"
Principles of Compiler Design
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410444 Principles Of Compiler Design
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Lectures: 4 hrslweek Theory: 100 Marks Duration: 3 Hrs
. To learn and understand the design of a compiler
. To learn and use tools for construction of a compiler
Introduction to Compiler:
Translator issues, why to write compiler, compilation process in brief, front end and backend model, compiler construction tools, Interpreter and the related issues, Cross compiler, Incremental compiler, Boot strapping, byte code compilers
Lexical Analysis
Review of lexical analysis: alphabet, token, lexical error, Block schematic of lexical analyser,
Automatic construction of lexical analyser (LEX), LEX specification and features. 6 Hours
UNIT II : Syntax Analysis
Introduction: Role of parsers, Top down-RD parser, Predictive parsers, LL (k) parsers, Bottom up Parsers - Operator precedence parsers, shift-Reduce: SLR, LR (k), LALR etc. using ambiguous grammars, Error detection and recovery, Automatic construction of parsers (Y ACC), Y ACC specifications
Semantic Analysis
Need of semantic analysis, type checking and type conversion
10 Hours
Syntax directed translation
Syntax directed definitions, construction of syntax trees, bottom-up evaluation of S-attributed definitions, L-attributed definitions, Top-down translation, bottom-up evaluation of inherited attributes
Intermediate Code Generation
Intermediate languages, declarations, assignment statements, iterative statements, case statements, arrays, structures, conditional statements, Boolean expressions, back patching, procedure calls,
Intermediate code generation using Y ACC 10 Hours
Run Time Storage Organisation
Source language issues, Storage organization and allocation strategies, for block structured and non block structured languages, Activation record, variable-length data, procedure parameters, nested procedures, access to non-local names, procedure Call and return, static and dynamic scope, Symbol Table organisation and management 6 Hour
Code Generation:
Introduction: Issues in code generation, Target machine description, Basic blocks and flow graphs, next-use information, Register allocation and assignment, Dag representation of basic blocks, , Peephole optimisation, Generating code from a DAG, Dynamic programming, Code generator,generator concept.
8 Hours
Unit VI :
Code Optimisation
Introduction, Classification of optimisation, Principle sources Of Optimisation, optimisation of
basic blocks, Loops in flow graphs, Optimising transformations: compile time evaluation, Common sub-expression elimination, variable propagation, code movement, strength reduction, dead code elimination and loop optimisation, Local optimisation, DAG based local optimisation. Global Optimisation: Control and data flow analysis, Computing Global Data flow information: meet over paths, Data flow equations, Data flow analysis, Iterative data flow analysis: Available expressions, live range identification 8 Hours
Text Books
1. A V Aho, R. Sethi, J D Ullman, "Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools",
Pearson Education, ISBN 81 - 7758 - 590 - 8
Reference Books
l. K. Cooper, L. Torczon, "Engineering a Compiler", Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, ISBN 81 - 8147 - 369 -
2. K. Louden, "Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice", Thomson Brookes/Cole
(ISE), 2003, ISBN 981 - 243 - 694 - 4 .
3. J. R. Levine, T. Mason, D. Brown, "Lex & Yacc", O'Reilly, 2000, ISBN 81-7366062 - X
4. Chattopadhyay, "Compiler Design", Prentice-Hall of India, 2005, ISBN 81-2032725-X.
Distributed System
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410451 Distributed Systems
Teaching scheme:
Theory: 4 Hrsl Week.
Practical: 2 HrslWeek
Examination Scheme:
Theory: 100 marks
Term work: 25 Marks
Oral: 50 Marks Duration: 3 Hrs
Introduction to distributed Systems, examples of distributed systems, characteristics, goals, hardware and software concepts, design issues, resource sharing and the web, challenges. System Models: Introduction, Architectural Model, Fundamental Models, and Client Server Models.
Inter process Communication: Message oriented Communication, Stream Oriented Communication
Layered Protocols: Lower Level, Transport Level and Higher-level Protocols.
Distributed Objects: RPC & LRPC, Remote Method Invocation, Events and Notifications.
Distributed File Systems
Distributed File Systems: SUN NFS, CODA, Other DS, Comparisons.
Name Services: Name Entities, Locating Mobile Entities, Removing unreferenced entities, Case Studies: DNS Directory, Global Name Service, X 500 DS
Time and Global States: Clock Synchronization, Logical clocks, global state. Co-ordination: Election Algorithms, mutual exclusion, Distributed Transaction.
Fault Tolerance
Process Resilience, Reliable client server communication, Reliable group communication, Distributed Commit and Recovery.
Case Studies
Case Studies on CORBA, Grid and Clusters.
Text Books:
1.Andrew S. Tanenbaum & Maarten van Steen,Distributed Systems "Principles and
Paradigms" Publisher: PHI. . ""
2. George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore & Tim Kindberg, "Distributed Systems - Concepts and
Design" Publisher: Pearson (LPE)
Reference Book:
1. Pradeep K. Sinha "Distributed Operating Systems Concepts and Design" Publication: PHI.
Networks and Information Security
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410448 Networks And Information Security
Teaching Scheme
Theory: 4 Hrs/ Week
Practical: 2 HrslWeek
Examination Scheme
Theory:100 Marks
Term Work: 25 Marks
Oral: 50 Marks Duration: 3 Hrs.
Need of security, attributes of security, authentication, access control, confidentiality, authorization, integrity, non-reproduction and cryptography, Vulnerabilities in OSI model, layers, Types of attacks, DOS, IP spoofing, man-in-the-middle, attack, replay, DNS poisoning, Information security lifecycle, multilevel model of security, Worms, viruses, Trojans, one time passwords, single sign on, use of Bioinformatics in security.
Public Key Cryptography
Principles, RSA, ECC, DSA, key management, Kerberos, Elliptical curve Cryptography, X.509, diffie-heileman, key exchange, attacks, message authentication and hash functions, Hash algorithms, digital signatures.
Secret Key Cryptography
DES, triple DES, AES, IDEA, key distribution, attacks.
Virtual Private Network
Need, types of VPN, VPN supported systems, tunneling and tunneling protocols, PPTP, L2TP, 1¬PSEC protocollsuite, IKE, ESP, AH.
Network Periphery Security
Router and security, firewalls, packet filters, DMZ, application level gateways, IPS, types, OS hardening, VLAN, wireless LAN, WEP, Honey pot.
Web And Email Security
Security services, web security considerations, SSL and TLS, SET, PEM and S/!'v1IME, PGP smart cards, application security using smart cards, Kerberos, electronic commerce attacks, micro payments, un smart cards, E-cache.
Text Books:
1. William Stallings "Cryptography and network security, principles and practices",Pearson
Reference Books:
1. Charlie Kaufman, Radia Perlman and mike speciner "Network security, private
communication in a public world"
2. Christopher M. King, Curtis patton and RSA press "Security architecture, design
deployment and operations".
3. Stephen northcatt, leny zeltser, et al "INSIDE NETWORK Perimeter Security" Pearson
Education Asia.
4.. Robert Bragge, Mark Rhodes, Heith straggberg "Network Security. the complete
reference", Tata McGraw Hill Publication
Adavance Database Management System
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410445 Advanced Databases
Teaching Scheme:
Lecturers: 4 Hrs. I Week
Practical: 2 Hrs I Week
Examination Scheme:
Theory: 100 Marks
Term Work: 50 Mark
Oral: 50 Mark Duration: 3 Hrs.
. . To Iearn and understand advances in Database System Implementations
.. . To learn and understand various database architectures and applications.
UNlT I :
Parallel databases
Introduction, Parallel database architecture, VO parallelism, Inter-query and Intra-query parallelism, Inter-operational and Intra-operational parallelism, Design of parallel systems
Distributed Databases
Introduction, DDBMS architectures, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Databases, Distributed data storage, Distributed transactions, Commit protocols, Concurrency control in distributed databases, Availability, Distributed query processing, Directory systems
Web based systems
Overview of client server architecture, Databases and web architecture, N-tier architecture, Business logic - SOAP
XML -Introduction, XML DTD's, Domain specific DTD's , Querying XML data
Data Warehousing
Introduction to Data warehousing, architecture, Dimensional data modeling- star, snowflake schemas, fact constellation, OLAP and data cubes, Operations on cubes, Data preprocessing need for preprocessing, data cleaning, data integration and transformation, data reduction
Data Mining
Introduction to data mining, Introduction to machine learning, descriptive' and predictive data mining, outlier analysis, clustering - k means algorithm, classification - decision tree, association rules - apriori algorithm, Introduction to text mining, Baysian classifiers. . .
Information Retrieval
Information retrieval - overview, Relevance ranking using terms and hyperlinks, synonyms, homonyms, ontologies, Indexing of documents, measuring retrieval effectiveness, web search engines, Information retrieval and structured data .
List of assignments
1. ORDBMS - Implement system using composite, multivalued attributes, inheritance
2. Directory systems - address book using LDAP
3. Web based system using ASP I JSP
4. Building cubes and OLAP analysis
5. Data mining algorithms
6. Case Study a) anyone from open source ( eg : Postgres SQL , MySQL ) b) Anyone from Oracle, SQL Server, DB2
Text Books :
I. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan, "Database system concepts", 5th
Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition
2. Jiawei han, Micheline Kamber, "Data Mining: Concepts and systems" , Morgan
Kaufmann publishers
Reference Books
I. Rob Coronel, Database systems: "Design implementation and management", 4th Edition,
Thomson Learning Press
2. Raghu Ramkrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", Second
Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition
Software Testing and Quality Assurances
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410450 Software Testing And Quality Assurance
Teaching Scheme:
Theory: 04 Hrs./week
Examination Scheme:
Theory: 100 Marks Duration: 3 Hrs.
. To introduce Software Measurement concepts
. To introduce Software Testing Process
. To emphasis on Software Testing strategies
. To introduce Software Quality management principles & metrics.
Principles of Measurement:
Representation Theory of Measurement, Measurement and models, Measurement Scales, Classification of Software Measures, Determining what to measure, Applying Framework, Software Measurement Validation, Four principles of Investigation, Planning Formal Experiments, What is a good data, How to define/collect data, How to Store and Extract data.
Internal Product attributes Measurement
Size: Aspects of software size, length, reuse, functionality, complexity
Structure: Types of structural measures, control-flow structures, Modularity and information flow attributes, Object-oriented metrics, Data structure, Difficulties with general complexity measures, Halstead's Software Science.
Software Measurement Programs and Principles of Testing:
What is a metric plan?, Goal-Question-Metric model, Measurement tools, Measurement in small, Measurement in Large systems.
Defects: Origins of Defects, Defect Classes, Defect repository and Test Design, Developer/Tester support for Defect Repository
Test Case Design I (White-Box): Test Adequacy criteria, Static testing by humans, Static analysis tools, Structural Testing, Code Complexity testing, Mutation Testing
Test Case Design II (Black-Box): Test case Design Criteria, Requirement based testing, Positive and negative testing, Boundary Value analysis, Equivalence Partitioning, State-based or Graphbased Testing, Compatibility Testing, User Documentation Testing, Domain Testing
UNIT IV: Software testing:
Test plan, Management, Execution and Reporting, GUI testing, Validation testing, Integration testing, System and Acceptance testing, Scenario testing, Regression testing, Specification-based testing, Performance Testing, Ad hoc Testing, Usability and Accessibility Testing, Software Test Automation.
Software Quality metrics and tools:
Quality concepts, Software Quality Assurance, Six Sigma principles, Malcolm Baldridge Assessment, ISO 9000, Edward Deming's principles, Total Quality Management, Product Quality Metrics, In process Quality Metrics, Software maintenance, Ishikawa's 7 basic tools, Checklists, Pareto diagrams, Histogram, Run Charts, Scatter diagrams, Control chart, Cause Effect diagram. Defect Removal Effectiveness & Process Maturity Level.
Software Maintenance:
Problem Reporting: Customer side Preliminary activities, Defects reported by Internal Customers, Logistics and Tooling, Challenges and Best Practices.
Problem Resolution: Overview of Problem Resolution, Categorizing and Identifying problem, Making the Fix and Testing it, Challenges and Best Practices.
Fix Distribution: Overview of Fix Distribution, Choosing method of Fix Distribution, Composing Fixes, Preparing and Testing Shipment unit.
Text Books:
1. Fenton, Fleeger, " Software Metrics: A Rigourous and Practical Approach", Thomson,
ISBN 981.240-385-X
2. Stephen H. Kan, "Metrics & Models in Software Quality Engineering", Pearson
Education, ISBN 81-297-0175-8
Reference Books:
1. Ramesh, Bhattiprolu, " Software Maintenance", Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-048345-0
2. Desikan, Ramesh, "Software Testing: Principles and Practices", Pearson Education,
ISBN 8l-7758-121-X
3. Burnstein, "Practical Software Testing", Springer International Edition, ISBN 81-8128
Advanced Computer Architecture and Computing
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410449 Advanced Computer Architecture and Computing
Teaching Scheme
Theory: 4 HrsJWeek
Examination Scheme
Theory: 100 Marks Duration: 3 Hours
Overview of Parallel Processing and Pipelining Processing
Necessity of high performance, Constraints of conventional architecture, Parallelism in uniprocessor system, Evolution of parallel processors, future trends, Architectural Classification, Applications of parallel processing, Instruction level Parallelism and Thread Level Parallelism, Explicitly Parallel Instruction Computing (EPIC) Architecture, Case study of Intel Itanium Processor
Principles of scalable performance: Performance Metrics and Measures, Speedup Performance Laws 6Hrs.
Pipeline Architecture
Principles and implementation of Pipelining, Classification of pipe lining processors, General pipe lining reservation table, Design aspect of Arithmetic and Instruction pipelining, Pipelining hazards and resolving techniques, Data buffering techniques, Job sequencing and Collision, Advanced pipelining techniques, loop unrolling techniques, out of order execution, software scheduling, trace scheduling, Predicated execution, Speculative loading, Register Stack Engine, Software pipelining, VLIW (Very Long Instruction Word) processor, Case study: Superscalar Architecture- Pentium, Ultra SP ARC 8 Hrs
Vector and Array Processor
Basic vector architecture, Issues in Vector Processing, Vector performance modeling, vectorizers and optimizers, Case study: Cray Arch.
SIMD Computer Organization Masking and Data network mechanism, Inter PE Communication, Interconnection networks of SIMD, Static V s Dynamic network, cube hyper cube and Mesh Interconnection network.
Parallel Algorithms For Array Processors: Matrix Multiplication. Sorting, FFT 8Hrs.
Multiprocessor Architecture
Loosely and Tightly coupled multiprocessors, Processor characteristics of multiprocessors, Inter Processor communication network, Time shared bus, Crossbar switch, Multiport Memory Model, Memory contention and arbitration techniques, Cache coherency and bus snooping, Massively Parallel Processors (MPP), COW's and NOW's Cluster and Network of Work Stations), Chip Multiprocessing (CMP), Case Study of IBM Power4 Processor
Inter Processor Communication and Synchronization 8Hrs.
Multithreaded Architecture
Multithreaded processors, Latency hiding techniques, Principles of multithreading, Issues and solutions,;
Parallel Programming Techniques
Message passing program development, Synchronous and asynchronous message passing, Message passing parallel programming, Shared Memory Programming, Data Parallel
Programming 7 Hrs.
Parallel Software Issues
a) Parallel algorithms for multiprocessors, classification of paranel algorithms, performance
of parallel algorithms
b) Operating systems for multiprocessors systems, Message passing libraries for parallel
programming interface, PVM (in distributed memory system), Message Passing
Interfaces (MPI), PThreds (in shared memory system)
c) Parallel Programming Languages: Fortan 90, Occam, C-Linda, CCC etc.
d) Issues towards cluster
computing. Introduction to Neuro Computing and GridComputing 8 Hrs.
Text Books
1. Kai Hwang, Faye A. Briggs, "Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing"
McGrawhill international Edition
2. Kai Hwang, "Advanced Computer Architecture", Tata McGrawhill Edition
1. V.Rajaraman, L Sivaram Murthy, "Parallel Computers", PID.
2. William Stallings, "Computer Organization and Architecture, Designing for
performance" Prentice Hall, Sixth edition
3. Kai Hwang, Scalable Parallel Computing
4. Harrold Stone, High performance computer Architceture
5. Richard Y. Kain , Advanced Computer Architecture
6. http://www.intel.com/products/processor (for Intel Itanium Processor)
7. For IBM Power 4 Processor
a. http://www. ibm.com/servers/eserver/pserieslhardware/whitepapers/power/ppc - ar
b. http://www . i bm .com! servers/ eserver/pserics/hard ware/wh itepapers/power/ppc ar
ch 2.html
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