
Jan 24, 2010

Adavance Database Management System

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Downlaod ADBMS Program

410445 Advanced Databases

Teaching Scheme:
 Lecturers: 4 Hrs. I Week
Practical: 2 Hrs I Week

Examination Scheme:
 Theory: 100 Marks
Term Work: 50 Mark
 Oral: 50 Mark Duration: 3 Hrs.

Objectives: ­
                 . . To Iearn and understand advances in Database System Implementations
               .. . To learn and understand various database architectures and applications.

UNlT I :
Parallel databases
Introduction, Parallel database architecture, VO parallelism, Inter-query and Intra-query parallelism, Inter-operational and Intra-operational parallelism, Design of parallel systems

Distributed Databases
Introduction, DDBMS architectures, Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Databases, Distributed data storage, Distributed transactions, Commit protocols, Concurrency control in distributed databases, Availability, Distributed query processing, Directory systems

Web based systems
Overview of client server architecture, Databases and web architecture, N-tier architecture, Business logic - SOAP
XML -Introduction, XML DTD's, Domain specific DTD's , Querying XML data

Data Warehousing
Introduction to Data warehousing, architecture, Dimensional data modeling- star, snowflake schemas, fact constellation, OLAP and data cubes, Operations on cubes, Data preprocessing ­need for preprocessing, data cleaning, data integration and transformation, data reduction

Data Mining
Introduction to data mining, Introduction to machine learning, descriptive' and predictive data mining, outlier analysis, clustering - k means algorithm, classification - decision tree, association rules - apriori algorithm, Introduction to text mining, Baysian classifiers. . .

Information Retrieval
Information retrieval - overview, Relevance ranking using terms and hyperlinks, synonyms, homonyms, ontologies, Indexing of documents, measuring retrieval effectiveness, web search engines, Information retrieval and structured data .

List of assignments
1. ORDBMS - Implement system using composite, multivalued attributes, inheritance
2. Directory systems - address book using LDAP

3. Web based system using ASP I JSP
4. Building cubes and OLAP analysis
5. Data mining algorithms
6. Case Study a) anyone from open source ( eg : Postgres SQL , MySQL ) b) Anyone from Oracle, SQL Server, DB2

Text Books :
      I. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S. Sudarshan, "Database system concepts", 5th
            Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition
      2. Jiawei han, Micheline Kamber, "Data Mining: Concepts and systems" , Morgan
            Kaufmann publishers

Reference Books
      I. Rob Coronel, Database systems: "Design implementation and management", 4th Edition,
            Thomson Learning Press
      2. Raghu Ramkrishnan, Johannes Gehrke, "Database Management Systems", Second
            Edition, McGraw Hill International Edition

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